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What's killing the great forests of the American west?

"An entomologist at the University of Montana has found that mountain pine beetles are attacking trees for longer periods as the season of cooler weather shrinks, part of a pattern of forest die-off that is sweeping North...


Climate 'fix' could poison sea life

"Fertilising the oceans with iron to absorb carbon dioxide could increase concentrations of a chemical that can kill marine mammals, a study has found."

Category: Climate Change


New glasses allow blind soldier to 'see' with his tongue

"A soldier blinded in battle has become the first member of the armed forces to test a special pair of glasses which allow him to 'see' using his tongue."


Saturn's beauty and power

"It's exactly 400 years since Galileo first pointed a telescope at the planet Saturn. He immediately realised he had discovered something remarkable: the planet appeared to have ears."

Category: Space


Brain scans 'can distinguish memories', say scientists

"Scientists say they have been able to tell which past event a person is recalling using a brain scan."

Category: Medical Physics

Displaying results 741 to 745 out of 2977